The Next New Thing

In the future, there should be a new media technology that is basically a tracks where you are and what you are doing that is similar for Foursquare or Facebook check-ins, except with your permission you allow the technology to automatically track the places (locations) you go to. Sort of a digital world passport used in reality. Instead of constantly manually “checking yourself in”, automatically checking you in will be more convenient for the user. This new media technology will be able to track where you are, the stores, restaurants you go to or even the neighborhoods you are around with a GPS. For privacy issues, your location and information will not be shared with other people unless, you friends with other people with an account and you grant them access to your information.

This would be able change people’s lifestyles adapting to a more technologically advanced world. The locations people go to will be saved and tracked and linked to their account so they can check where they have been to. It encourages people to be more adventurous and give them a fun way to explore. It would be a digital album similar to a photo album with experiences.

One of the main differences other than automatic check ins, would be “games” or tasks that will encourage people to explore outside their normal commute and neighborhoods. They will be ranked among their friends for completing most of the bucket list activities. There would be a huge market for companies to advertise along with this new media technology as well.

Our Class WIki – So Far

For our Class Wiki, I decided to work on the New Media in Food, Beverage & Hospitality Industry page. First, I read through the page and then I decided to do some research. On the Reviews part of the page, I decided to add more information about Yelp. I have contributed the second paragraph about the search features that Yelp offers to help users look for restaurant reviews more efficiently. 
Then I decided to contribute about “Online Food Ordering Service” and contributed information about Seamless, an online food ordering service that simplifies the process of ordering food. I have only added one paragraph but I will contribute more after doing more research on the Seamless and their use of new media technology. I had a picture that I was going to upload, but the images don’t work certainly.

P2P File Sharing

What is file sharing?
File sharing is the process of storing and sharing/distributing files such as specific documents, data, videos, pictures, programs and other files. Sharing is possible with the use of a USB, email, cloud web storage etc.

What is P2P file sharing?
P2P file sharing stands for peer-to-peer file sharing. Peer-to-peer file sharing involves a shared connection between to users and their computers that are linked together, allow access and the ability to share digital file, using software. 

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
Examples of P2P file sharing, is when people use P2P software technology such as BitTorrent to share and download illegal copies of music, television shows, movies,etc. There are people on the Internet known as “pirates” who put film, music, etc online and enabled millions of people on the Internet to download it. Music industries has once been a victim of a free music sharing software known as Napster, which allowed people to share music to others for free. This means people wouldn’t have to buy CDs from artists. In a NYTimes article, Warner Brothers was ready to stop film piracy, planning and taking steps to monitor physical copies of “The Dark Knight”. They ended up failing and the Batman movie has been downloaded more than seven million times around the world.


Advice to Baruch College

There are some suggestions I would make by using new media to improve Baruch college. New media technology if used properly can be really effective. The first thing I would do is try to get students of the college to follow Baruch College’s twitter. Many students don’t check their Baruch email as often as they should. Students do however, are constantly on social media websites. Promoting Baruch’s twitter and Facebook page would be a good way to tell the students that the college does use social media platforms often and can be informative. It can be used to promote events, updates on the academic calender, news and even events that are around the campus not offered by the college.
My second suggestion would be requiring professors to make a Facebook group and require students of the class to join the group. It would allow more communication between not only the students, the professor as well. Blackboard discussions aren’t always effective as some may think it would be. Facebook would be faster, more efficient and students would check Facebook a lot more than they would look at Blackboard.
Using new media would allow more efficiency, communicating to the students of the college. It would also allow a two way communication, where students are able to share their ideas and thoughts as well to the college

Privacy & Confidentiality

One of the biggest problems that have emerged out of new media is privacy. Everything you put on the Internet, especially on new media may be available for anyone to see. I will be using Facebook as an example, because it is one of the most popular social networking sites today and there are many privacy issues that members face. Any personal information you post on Facebook or any other social networking site, can be seen by anyone who has an account. Facebook, along with other new media are able to make so much money because they sell your information. There is no such thing as “real” privacy on the Internet anymore. Facebook does have an option for privacy settings, that allows you to control what information you want to share with others. It is highly recommended to control what information you want to share with others. Generally, I would make my profile private to only those I am friends with. I wouldn’t post too much information about myself, only the basics. For pictures, I control what is public, because as a college student looking start my career after graduating, I would want to keep things professional. Personally, I maintain and keep track of my privacy settings when I use new media.
There was an mobile application that was released a while back called Phewtick, where users use their smart phones to scan each other’s codes in person when they meet up. It is an innovative way to record when people meet, and there are monetary benefits each time you scan. You will receive random amount of points each time and the money ranges. You are able to cash out once you have enough points for $50. This may sound like a good and fun way to make money, but how and why are they giving out, what is basically free money? Phewtick makes money by selling YOUR information to other companies. The small amounts of monetary costs are made up by the revenue they receive by selling your information. 
Today technology is advancing and the use of new media and the Internet is becoming a lifestyle for many, privacy will always be a huge issue. There is no such thing as “privacy” anymore. You would be able to find any information about anyone if you can search hard enough.

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment, I have decided to expand on my use of Flickr. Flickr is a website that allows you to share pictures with others, simply by uploading it into your photo stream. You are allowed to upload 300 MB of pictures or 2 videos each month. Upgrading to pro allows you to have unlimited uploads. I have used Flickr to browse through pictures, and I love looking through the Flickr blog, where there are interesting pictures posted.

I have decided to upload some of my typography work I have created in my Graphic Communications class this semester:
Apostrophe expressive words
Bicycle expressive words

I had used Flickr to share photos I have taken with my friends who were also interested in photography. I have learned a lot about photography using Flickr, and people have left comments on some of my pictures to give feedback. Here are some of the photos I have taken a while ago:
Kayaking upstate
Brooklyn Bridge

Flickr is very user friendly and easy to use. All you need is to make an account and you can start uploading your pictures right away! I have always been interested in photography and Flickr was the first step I took to get my foot into the hobby. It connected me with everyone around the world who were interested in photography. You are able to control what photos you can share with others as well, which allows privacy. Below is a link to my Flickr photostream, if anyone is interested in seeing what other photographs I have to share:


With the emergence of new media, it has allowed people to connect to the masses. Nowadays, everyone is constantly using new media technology; going online, instant messaging, checking their Facebook or tweeting, etc. In our generation now, everyone is connected to new media one way or another. One big advantage is that new media fosters creativity. New media has allowed people to show others their ideas and creative thinking by posting their work/ideas and sharing it with the mass. Many companies have also started to use new media for their businesses, marketing themselves or just having a presence among the people.

An example of new media fostering creativity would be how big and small companies are monitoring Twitter to find out what their customers like, dislike and their opinions. Many companies have big promotions where they give their consumers a chance to market a companies’ product or help generate new ideas, and in return if their idea is popular they get a reward. Doritos had a YouTube competition where consumers came up with an idea, made a video and uploaded it on YouTube and those that were good would be chosen and played as a commercial during the Super Bowl. Twitter has allowed companies to watch and see how consumers use their services and what new ideas would catch on. Companies have allowed the people to generate the ideas and they would pick the ideas that appeal to the mass and work upon it. Companies have once been the ones to think of new ideas for the consumers, but now consumers help generate ideas for companies to build upon.


Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

As virtual worlds have been increasingly popular, there are many different ways they can be used for. Virtual world technology has been applied to many businesses for virtual meetings. Executives from Linden Labs, IBM and a tech firm that helps non profit organizations that advantage of virtual worlds had logged into a virtual world called Second Life. There was a virtual meeting room that was projected onto television screens for the real world attendees to look at. It allowed executives from each company to meet with each other, virtually “being there in person”, but not in person in reality. Using virtual worlds, companies can save time and it may be convenient because the members of the parties can just stay in their office or even at home.
Some toy companies use virtual world technology to create a “second life” for their toys. They would sell plush animals that has a code that once it is brought, the buyer could activate an online alter ago of the plush animal. This would increase sales for toy companies by attracting more children who now, have access to the internet. 

Advantages of virtual world technology include saving time, money, ability to communicate/work with people around the world, it is easily accessible and that it may be convenient. Virtual worlds also have cons. It may affect people’s personable skills such as face to face interaction. Most people would be behind the computer and keyboard. 

Virtual worlds can foster creativity in many different ways. For example, in Second Life many people who escape to the virtual world, they have no budgets and there are no boundaries. In a recession, most people don’t have the capital for luxury goods. In Second Life, they are able spend their virtual currency to get luxury virtual items for their avatars. There are people who are able to make real money off virtual worlds by selling virtual currency and there are people who are willing to buy. It allows people who can’t afford certain luxuries such as a Lamborghini, or a Rolex watch in real life, to be able to have a sense of ownership to such a product in a virtual world. They might not be able to afford it in real life, but in Second Life they can. Second Life also allows users to construct settings, and one user, Michael Brown has created a replica of Chelsea in Second Life. 

I believe that virtual worlds will continue to grow in the future. I have never thought that businesses would use virtual worlds to conduct meetings. I thought virtual worlds was for those who wanted to escape reality for their own entertainment. Who knew that it would be applied in businesses. I feel that virtual worlds will continue to grow, as it is increasingly gaining popularity. There are millions of subscribers to the many virtual worlds available out there.

Sources used:


Social Networking Sites

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Tumblr are websites that come to our mind when we think of social networking sites. These are/were all popular social networking sites that are available for anyone with internet access. It is easy to sign up for these social networking sites.

Facebook is one of the popular social networking sites and is widely known. Facebook is easy  to use mainly because of its format. The first thing you have to do right after signing up, is setting up your profile; basic information about yourself and uploading a picture of yourself. Connecting with other users is fairly easy, where there is a “friend request” button that notifies the other person you want to connect, and you will be friends once he/she accepts. You can find your friends easily as well, based on what school you go to, city you live in,etc. Once in a while Facebook will have a list of suggested people you may know. It is easily to communicate with other people as well. You can post on your friends’ “walls” where all their friends can see, or you can use the Facebook mes sager, which is quicker and allows faster communication. You are able to share pictures, and news articles quickly and easily. Facebook allows me to keep in touch with many of my friends, classmates and form better relationships with people I just met.

Myspace has once been the most popular social networking site. I believe that Myspace has fallen and changed over the years since I last used it, when I was still in junior high school (7 years ago). Myspace now has been changing and becoming more and more like Facebook. There is one feature about Myspace that is unique from Facebook, and that allows users to stream music. Users have a streaming music player where they can queue music or even make their own. It is no surprise why Myspace is popular among musicians, and those who are aspiring to have a career in music. I feel like the new format of Myspace compared to what it was a few years ago is too messy and complicated. I had trouble using the social networking site.

Twitter is one of the most popular sites where users are constantly sharing stories, thoughts and opinions in real time. I have never been a huge fan of Twitter, mainly because I use social networking sites to communicate with friends and classmates, and share pictures among them. I have made a Twitter once but never got into it. Lately I have been looking more into Twitter because I might want to pursue a career in social media, and Twitter is a must. Also, I have been using it for my CIS 3810 class. Using Twitter is fairly easy and fast, but sometimes having a 140 character limit frustrates me. I always end up having to cut down on my messages, but I guess that’s not a bad thing, when people usually use twitter to get straight to the point. Many businesses and celebrities are using twitter to promote themselves. Having a number on your profile of how many people are following you is sort of shows your status on Twitter. The more followers you have the more popular you have. I guess it would be the same as how many friends you have on Facebook. I find twitter visually appealing and easy for anyone who want to start using it.

Tumblr is a site where you can easily blog about anything, share pictures, music, links, quotes, almost anything. I remember starting to use Tumblr because a few of my close friends told me how it was a great site to blog and share pictures. At first I thought it was one of those blogging websites similar to WordPress or Blogger but it is a lot different. It is a lot harder to find friends who may have Tumblr unless you ask people what their Tumblr is. You can follow other Tumblr users based on what kind of blog they have. Many blogs just blogs pictures or uses a function that Tumblr has called “reblog”. You can easily like pictures by simply clicking the heart, and reblog by clicking the reblog button. You can follow users right away and anything they post up or reblog will instantly show on your dashboard. I find this an effective way to share pictures with other people, and I usually find myself on Tumblr for hours reblogging pictures. It is not complicated to learn how to blog on Tumblr and the site looks simple yet appealing. You also have the option of customizing your Tumblr to your taste.

There are so many other social networking sites available out there besides Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Tumblr.

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is an information network that can connect you what is happening in real time. It is a way to communicate through a message post called a “tweet”. BlackBoard is a tool that schools use for faculty to communicate with students online. Professors have used BlackBoard discussion, so students can also discuss about a topic in class outside of the classroom. Twitter and BlackBoard is possible because of the internet, and can be a way for students to discuss in class. It is different than the original method for professors and students to communicate, an in class discussion.

In a Twitter discussion, students are limited by 140 characters when posting a tweet. Students may not be able to express their ideas and opinions in a 140 character tweet, and it can be frustrating if you have to cut down on your message. However, being limited on your tweet can be a good thing. Each tweet with a length of 140 characters, will be easily read by everyone in the class during the discussion. It will also get straight to the point and less text that students usually add to build up their idea/opinion. Twitter allows discussions to be quick, fast and convenient, however it is open to everyone not just selected students in a class. It may also be hard to keep track on the replies on discussion because of the need for hash tagging and twitter isn’t as organized as BlackBoard is. Looking for old topics and what each student had discussed would be tedious. Twitter discussions is helping for the students that are too shy for class discussions, but the discussion will be available to the public.

BlackBoard discussions have a list of threads for all the students who are in the same class. It isn’t open to anyone else except the professor and the students, which is a good thing for class discussions. Discussions may be slow because BlackBoard discussion is similar to a forum. There isn’t a notification that alerts you that your fellow peer has replied to your thread. You would have to check up on your thread every once in a while. BlackBoard discussions does allow those who are too shy to participate as well.

In class discussions may be the most effective method of having discussions. In an in class discussion, it requires the presence of the students and the professor in a room face to face. Discussion is more effective and anyone can jump into the discussion after a person is done. It allows a person to build their communication skills and prepare themselves for the working world. It would be an easier way for students and professors to get to know each other, and people aren’t always the same if they are behind a computer. The cons to an in class discussion is that it is time limited, and not all students will participate.